Results for 'The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines'

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  1.  21
    What Is Happening to Our Beautiful Land?The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines - 2007 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 4 (2):487-496.
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  2. Walking the Bodhisattva Path/Walking the Christ Path.Us Conference of Catholic Bishops - forthcoming - Buddhist-Christian Studies.
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    Walking the Bodhisattva Path/Walking the Christ Path.Catholic Church United States Conference of Catholic Bishops & San Fransisco Zen Center - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):247-248.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Walking the Bodhisattva Path/Walking the Christ PathU.S. Conference of Catholic BishopsCatholics and Buddhists brought together by Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, the San Francisco Zen Center, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) met 20-23 March 2003 in the first of an anticipated series of four annual dialogues. Abbot Heng Lyu, the monks and nuns, and members of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association hosted (...)
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  4. The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and the Participation of Women in the Catholic Church - Ten Years On.Kimberly Davis & Brian Lucas - 2009 - The Australasian Catholic Record 86 (2):145.
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  5. Lay people in the church: A critical study of the theology of the laity in the documents of the federation of Asian bishops' conferences with special reference to John Paul's apostolic exhortation [Book Review].Edmund Kee-Fook Chia - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (3):370.
    Chia, Edmund Kee-Fook Review of: Lay people in the church: A critical study of the theology of the laity in the documents of the federation of Asian bishops' conferences with special reference to John Paul's apostolic exhortation, by Peter Nguyen Van Hai, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2015, pp. 290, US$76.95.
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    Catholic Theological Ethics Past, Present, and Future: The Trento Conference Edited by James F. Keenan, and: The Social Mission of the US Catholic Church: A Theological Perspective by Charles E. Curran.Daniel Cosacchi - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):216-218.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Catholic Theological Ethics Past, Present, and Future: The Trento Conference Edited by James F. Keenan, and: The Social Mission of the US Catholic Church: A Theological Perspective by Charles E. CurranDaniel CosacchiCatholic Theological Ethics Past, Present, and Future: The Trento Conference EDITED BY JAMES F. KEENAN Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2011. 337 pp. $40.00The Social Mission of the US Catholic Church: A Theological (...)
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    The Magna Carta of Women as the Philippine Translation of the CEDAW: A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis.Gay Marie Manalo Francisco - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (3):294-305.
    ABSTRACT Republic Act 9710, or the Magna Carta of Women (MCW), is considered the Philippine version or national law translation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Using the concept of impact translation as a framework and the Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis (FCDA) approach, this article examines the MCW and the minutes of committee meetings, particularly the bicameral conference committee meeting where lawmakers agreed on the finalized version of the bill. It applies (...)
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  8. Saint Anselm: bishop and thinker: papers read at a conference held in the Catholic University of Lublin, on 24-26 September 1996.Roman Majeran & Edward Iwo Zieliński (eds.) - 1999 - Lublin: University Press of the Catholic University of Lublin.
  9. The episcopal conference in the communications marketplace: Issues and challenges for Catholic identity and ecclesiology.Brian Lucas - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (4):408.
    Lucas, Brian This article deals with the role of the Episcopal Conference in the area of social communications and the tensions that arise with respect to the respective roles of the diocesan bishop and the Episcopal Conference, including lay heads of ecclesial agencies, in presenting 'the face of the Church' in the public forum. The article is divided into two sections: i)The Church as 'visible institution' and the ecclesiological and juridical foundations for identifying those who represent it in (...)
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  10.  46
    Catholic social teaching and the allocation of scarce resources.John Langan - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):401-405.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Catholic Social Teaching and the Allocation of Scarce ResourcesJohn Langan S.J. (bio)I shall approach the issue of justice in the allocation of scarce resources from the viewpoint of Catholic social teaching, as developed over the last century. This teaching is found primarily in the social encyclicals issued by popes from Leo XIII (1878–1903) to John Paul II (1978- ), but also in the pastoral letters of the (...)
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  11.  11
    Symposium on Homosexuality and the Catholic Church in Today’s Culture.Stephen M. Krason - 2001 - Catholic Social Science Review 6:57-60.
    The papers in this symposium were delivered at the Society of Catholic Social Scientists’ spring conference of the same name on April 17, 1999 at Notre Dame Law School. The Society in its history has given some particular attention to this issue, having sent letters to all the members of Congress opposing the early Clinton Administration initiative to let known homosexuals into the military and to all the U.S. bishops pointing out the serious problems with the homosexual-specific ministries (...)
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  12.  23
    Law and Disorder: Ontario Catholic Bishops’ Opposition to Gay-Straight Alliances.Tonya D. Callaghan - 2014 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 22 (1):28-37.
    Originating in the United States, a Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA) is an in-school student club whose focus is on making the school a safe space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer students and their straight allies by raising awareness about, and hopefully reducing, school-based homophobia. The ongoing struggle for GSAs in Canadian Catholic schools is one example of how clashes continue to be played out between Catholic canonical law and Canadian common law regarding sexual minorities. This paper draws (...)
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  13. Decree of erection of the personal ordinariate of our lady of the Southern Cross.William Cardinal Levada & Ladaria - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (3):360.
    Levada, William Cardinal; Ladaria, Luis F The supreme law of the Church is the salvation of souls. As such, throughout its history, the Church has always found the pastoral and juridical means to care for the good of the faithful. With the Apostolic Construction Anglicanorum coetibus, promulgated on 4 November 2009, the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, provided for the establishment of Personal Ordinariates through which Anglican faithful may enter, even in a corporate manner, into full communion with the (...) Church. On that same date, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith published Complementary Norms relating to such Ordinariates. In conformity with what is established in Art, I and 1 and 2 of the Apostolic Coinstitution Anglicanorum coetibus, having received requests from a considerable number of Anglican faithful, and having consulted with the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. (shrink)
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  14. The diplomatic activity of the Holy See.Dominique Mamberti - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (1):81.
    Mamberti, Dominique I thank Archbishop Denis Hart for the kind invitation he issued to me on behalf of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference to visit Australia for the centenary of the Apostolic Delegation and to address you on the occasion of your plenary meeting. It is a great joy to meet you all here in Sydney, having had the opportunity on other occasions to meet many of you either as a group or individually in the Vatican. I also (...)
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  15.  47
    The Judas Within: A Look at the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church.Christopher Chan & Brenda Scott-Ladd - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (4):326-339.
    Drawing from normal accident theory, high reliability theory, and systems theory, we analyze the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People that is promulgated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in response to the sexual abuses of minors by clergy members. Although the Charter is a step in the right direction, there remain some areas that require immediate attention. In spite of the goodwill processes, the safety of minors must remain the concerted efforts and (...)
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  16.  38
    Human reproduction: Dominion and limits.Richard A. McCormick - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):387-392.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Human Reproduction: Dominion and LimitsRichard A. McCormick S.J. (bio)The general struggle throughout Christian history has been to seek the proper balance between dominion and limits, intervention and nonintervention, givenness, and creativity. This struggle has worked itself out in six areas that touch human life. In this essay, I will revisit the Catholic tradition’s treatment of these in terms of dominion and limits to see whether we can discern (...)
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  17.  21
    An open letter to the Roman catholic bishops of the united states of America regarding the morality of our nation's war on the people of afghanistan.Catholic Worker House in Lyons - unknown
    Today is dedicated to the remembrance of the Holy Innocents, who were victims of a state sponsored terrorist attack at the very beginning of the Christian era. We believe this is an appropriate spiritual time to review and question the moral judgement of the Catholic Bishops of the United States of America that our nation's war on the people of Afghanistan is just. We do this in a spirit of fidelity to the teachings of the Catholic Church and (...)
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  18.  11
    God and the dignity of humans.Neville Williamson (ed.) - 2020 - Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
    Is it possible for the churches to take a joint stand on human dignity, even though they hold different positions in certain ethical questions? This study paper by the (Roman-Catholic) German Bishops' Conference and the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany, which is available in English for the first time, explores new paths in the ecumenical handling of ethical questions. Using the methodology of "differentiated consensus", the authors outline the theological similarities of the churches' teaching of anthropology, whilst (...)
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  19. “The Authority to Interpret, the Purpose of Universities, and the Giving of Awards, Honors, or Platforms by Catholic Universities: Some Thoughts on ‘Catholics in Political Life’,”.Michael Baur - 2011 - Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 49:101-120.
    With its June 2004 statement Catholics in Political Life, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops opened an important and far-reaching discussion about how Catholic individuals ought to comport themselves in political life, and-indirectly-about how Catholic institutions-including Catholic law schools-ought to decide whether or not to give awards, honors, or platforms to those whose views about key moral and political issues may differ from the views expressed in the teachings of the Catholic Church. On (...)
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  20. See I am doing a new thing: The 2009 survey of catholic religious institutes in Australia.Robert Dixon, Stephen Reid & Noel Connolly - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (3):271.
    Dixon, Robert; Reid, Stephen; Connolly, Noel Since the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference established a pastoral research capability in 1996, a great deal of research has been carried out on various aspects of the Catholic community in Australia. This research has been carried out either directly by the Bishops Conference's research staff, or in association with other bodies such as NCLS Research, the Christian Research Association, Australian Catholic University and, most recently, Catholic Religious Australia.
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  21. Cicero and the sermon: Further reflections on the art of preaching.Geoffrey D. Dunn - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (1):45.
    As my time writing scripture reflections for this journal has drawn to an end, it is a good opportunity to reflect more theoretically about the nature of homiletic preaching today. My first peer-reviewed publication was on this topic. Since then I have returned on occasion to investigate preaching in the early Christian centuries both on its own terms qua preaching and as source material for theological expression. It is a matter worthy of fresh reflection, because in the twenty years since (...)
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  22.  7
    A Catholic-Realist Approach to International Political Life: Application to Selected Current Questions.Stephen M. Krason - 2001 - Catholic Social Science Review 6:319-331.
    The papers in this symposium were delivered at the Society of Catholic Social Scientists’ spring conference of the same name on April 17, 1999 at Notre Dame Law School. The Society in its history has given some particular attention to this issue, having sent letters to all the members of Congress opposing the early Clinton Administration initiative to let known homosexuals into the military and to all the U.S. bishops pointing out the serious problems with the homosexual-specific ministries (...)
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  23.  23
    CELAM and the emerging reception of the “bridge theology” of Pope Francis: from Marcos Gregorio Mcgrath to the Latin American church today.Robert S. Pelton - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (50):454-481.
    The Second Vatican Council has a special significance in Latin America. This is especially true due to the influence of the document Gaudium et Spes. This took place at the Medellín Conference when Bishop Marcus Gregorio McGrath, C.S.C., pointed to this influence through his keynote address “The Signs of the Times.” He was prepared for this moment through his earlier theological training in Europe and his pastoral missions, especially in Chile and Panama. It was his earlier practice of (...) Action among young lay persons that led him into the “bridge theology” that was to be promoted further by Pope Francis. (shrink)
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  24.  40
    Do the Bishops Have It Right On Health Care Reform?D. P. Sulmasy - 1996 - Christian Bioethics 2 (3):309-325.
    The National Conference of Catholic Bishops has argued for significant government involvement in health care in order to assure respect for what they regard as the right to health care. Critics charge that the bishops are wrong because health care is not a right. In this article, it is argued that these critics are correct in their claim that health care is not a right. However, it is also argued that the premise that health care is not a (...)
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  25.  16
    The liturgical homily: Its theological development in Vatican II and Pope Francis.Don White - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (2):173.
    White, Don The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in 'Preaching the Mystery of Faith: The Sunday Homily' identified a problem with liturgical preaching in the Catholic Church: 'in survey after survey over the past years, the People of God have called for more powerful and inspiring preaching. A steady diet of tepid or poorly prepared homilies is often cited as a cause for discouragement on the part of the laity and even leading some to turn away (...)
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  26.  10
    The Bishop and the Future of Catholic Health Care: Challenges and Opportunities: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Workshop for Bishops.Daniel Patrick Maher (ed.) - 1997 - Pope John Center.
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    United States Synod Participation and Questions of Women in the Church.Phyllis Zagano & Fernando Garcia - 2024 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 21 (1):23-57.
    The responses of 178 Latin dioceses in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to the Preparatory Document for the Synod on Synodality were synthesized in fourteen regional reports. From these reports, and a report of lay groups, the USCCB produced the US report, which was synthesized with 111 other national reports into the Working Document for the Continental Stage (DCS). The latter was provided to seven continental assemblies. North American participants discussed the DCS in virtual meetings, (...)
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  28.  44
    The duty to promote personal well-being: A response to “nutrition and hydration: Moral considerations,” a statement by the catholic bishops of pennsylvania. [REVIEW]Richard E. McDaniel - 1992 - HEC Forum 4 (5):299-304.
  29. All on the Same Side: Reflections on the Dialogue Between Science and Religion.David M. Byers - 2000 - Zygon 35 (2):317-330.
    The ‘war’ between religion and science is winding down, creating new opportunities for fruitful dialogue. The foundations of indirect religion‐science dialogue, where the perspectives of the two disciplines illuminate some third subject, are not well established. A detailed comparison of the Roman Catholic bishops' dialogues and a similar program within the American Association for the Advancement of Science illustrates the variety in formalscience‐religion interactions and reveals much about the promise, achievements, and limitations of different approaches. Success depends in large (...)
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  30. Translating the Idiom of Oppression: A Genealogical Deconstruction of FIlipinization and the 19th Century Construction of the Modern Philippine Nation.Michael Roland Hernandez - 2019 - Dissertation, Ateneo de Manila University
    This doctoral thesis examines the phenomenon of Filipinization, specifically understood as the ideological construction of a “Filipino identity” or ‘Filipino subject-consciousness” within the highly determinate context provided by the Filipino ilustrado nationalists such as José Rizal, Marcelo H. del Pilar and their fellow propagandists inasmuch as it leads to the nineteenth (19th) century construction of the modern Philippine nation. Utilizing Jacques Derrida’s deconstructive thinking, this study undertakes a genealogical critique engaged on the concrete historical examination of what is meant by (...)
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    Church-state relations in South Africa, Zambia and Malawi in light of the fall of the Berlin Wall.Paul Gundani - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):1-9.
    The fall of the Berlin Wall in October 1989 bears a striking resonance with the biblical fracturing of the curtain in the Jerusalem temple. It presaged the death of the post-war dispensation of Church-state relations characterised by a Church that was, in the main, subservient, acquiescent and complicit to the apartheid regime in South Africa, as well as the oppressive one-party state regimes north of the Limpopo. As the Berlin Wall collapsed, the dispensation characterised by either neutrality or docility and (...)
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    On earthly Paradises, Revolution in Chile and some effects on the Catholic Church.Rodrigo Colarte Olivares - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44:91-115.
    Resumen La investigación pretende describir algunas influencias que las concepciones revolucionarias tuvieron en la Iglesia Católica chilena observadas en el análisis de las cartas pastorales de la Conferencia Episcopal entre los años 1960 y 1975. Por ello se elabora un marco teórico que permite caracterizar el concepto de revolución a partir del pensamiento de José Ortega y Gasset y de otros autores que complementan dicha visión, para luego aplicarlo a la realidad chilena de la segunda mitad del siglo veinte, periodo (...)
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  33. Contemporary Catholic Social Ethics and International Relations: A North-South American Perspective.Vittorio D. Falsina - 1996 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    Focusing on the tradition of Roman Catholic social teaching, this dissertation examines and compares two contemporary models of theological-ethical reflection: the neoliberal model represented by the United States bishops' conference, and the structuralist model espoused by the Latin American bishops' conference, both focusing on their understanding of political economy in the context of North-South American relations. ;The thrust of this dissertation is that the study of theological ethics in general, and in this particular case of the tradition (...)
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  34.  22
    A Memo from the Central Office: The "Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services".S. J. Kevin Wm Wildes - 1995 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 5 (2):133-139.
    In 1994, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops revised the "Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services." A goal of the Directives is to maintain the moral integrity of Catholic health care institutions and to address controversies in bioethics and health care. The Directives represent a shift to an exclusively principle-based approach to moral reason. This shift threatens to undermine the very tradition that the bishops seek to protect.
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  35.  22
    The Dichotomous Legacy of the Catholic Church’s Opposition to the Philippine Revolution of 1896.Dennis Shoesmith - 2020 - The European Legacy 25 (5):502-518.
    This article examines the repositioning of the Catholic Church in the aftermath of the Philippine Revolution of 1896–98, during the transfer of Spanish to American colonial rule. It reviews the con...
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  36.  42
    Transformation of Hearts and Minds: Chan Zen--Catholic Approaches to Precepts.Harry Lee Wells - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):155-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Transformation of Hearts and Minds:Chan Zen-Catholic Approaches to PreceptsHarry L. WellsCatholic and Buddhist priests, monastics, teachers, and community leaders participated in the second of an anticipated four annual dialogues. The series is sponsored by the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, the San Francisco Zen Center, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). The conference took place 4–7 March 2004 at Mercy Center in Burlingame, (...)
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  37.  7
    The Gospel of Life and the Vision of Health Care: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas.Russell Edward Smith (ed.) - 1996 - Pope John Center.
    In 1996 the Pope John Center (now the National Catholic Bioethics Center) offered a workshop for bishops to examine Pope John Paul II's landmark encyclical Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life). This collection of essays represents the proceedings of that workshop for scholars and students.
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    Christ's Male Sexuality and Acting In Persona Christi : A New Argument in Favor of the All-Male Priesthood.Paul Gondreau - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (3):805-844.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Christ's Male Sexuality and Acting In Persona Christi:A New Argument in Favor of the All-Male PriesthoodPaul Gondreau"One must be allowed to think about and discuss the issues.... [And on the issue of women's ordination] the discussion is still with us, it is still alive, and cannot be stifled [ersticken] by a paper [ein Papier]." So declares Archbishop Stefan Hesse of Hamburg, Germany, in the summer of 2020, where "a (...)
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  39. Catholic worship book II [Book Review].John de Luca - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (4):501.
    de Luca, John Review of: Catholic worship book II, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. Full music ed., 2 vols, $295.00; people's ed., $34.95.
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    Leonard Anthony Faulkner, the Tenth Catholic Bishop of Adelaide (Seventh Archbishop): The Theological Basis of His Ministry.Robert Rice - 2005 - The Australasian Catholic Record 82 (3):305.
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    "Limited" Nuclear War?: The Unmet Psychological Challenge of the American Catholic Bishops.James G. Blight - 1985 - Science, Technology and Human Values 10 (4):3-15.
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  42. Sentire cum ecclesia: Laity and the call to holiness in papal and local theologies.Peter N. V. Hai - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (3):333.
    Hai, Peter NV Lay people have always played a vital role in the life and mission of the church but it is only after the Second Vatican Council that the question of the laity has come into focus in a new way in Catholic theological reflection. Indeed, in the wake of Vatican II, the council that introduced a Copernican shift in the Catholic understanding of the laity, lay people have become the theme of a Synod of Bishops, the (...)
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    Writing the Disaster: A Philippine Case Study of the Challenge to Traditional Theodicy in Popular Media.Jesus Deogracias Principe - 2015 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (42):172-197.
    The question initially raised in this paper was on how one’s religious sensibility affects one’s response to suffering. Focusing on three particular disasters that hit the Philippines, we look at the various media sources: the writing about the rains and flooding found in broadsheets and online media, and some ethnographic descriptions coming from the social sciences; we also look at experiential or anecdotal sources. All this provides us with material to establish certain traits and topics that come to fore (...)
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    Interreligious dialogue supported by the Latin American Bishops Council.Patricio Merino Beas - 2018 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 39:95-111.
    Resumen Este escrito es fruto de una investigación documental y bibliográfica realizada en el Archivo General del Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano. Busca presentar una síntesis del impulso que ha realizado el CELAM en orden al diálogo interreligioso. Este no ha sido un camino fácil y aún hay mucho por hacer. No obstante, en el ámbito de la Iglesia Católica, el CELAM ha sido un permanente animador de las orientaciones de los obispos en esta temática, plasmadas en el Concilio Vaticano II y (...)
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    Medical Ethics: Sources of Catholic Teaching.M. O'Dowd - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (1):56-2.
    This third edition of O'Rourke and Boyle's Medical Ethics: Sources of Catholic Teaching is a useful and comprehensive collection of statements published, for the most part, by the central authorities of the Roman Catholic Church, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in the United States and the bishops' conferences of individual US states on a wide range of issues in the area of medical ethics. ….
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    ""Ch 'an/Zen-Catholic Dialogue Spreads a" Welcome Table" at the 2009 Annual Meeting.Francis V. Tiso - 2009 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 29:145-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ch'an/Zen-Catholic Dialogue Spreads a "Welcome Table" at the 2009 Annual MeetingFrancis V. TisoA retreat program designed by the participants in the ongoing Ch'an/Zen-Catholic Dialogue explored the dialogue of religious experience and the dialogue of life, set amid the redwoods of Guerneville, California. The 28–31 January 2009 meeting was cochaired by the Rev. Heng Sure of the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery and the Institute for World Religions, Berkeley, California, (...)
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    A Memo from the Central Office: The "Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services".Kevin Wm Wildes - 1995 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 5 (2):133-139.
    In 1994, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops revised the "Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services." A goal of the Directives is to maintain the moral integrity of Catholic health care institutions and to address controversies in bioethics and health care. The Directives represent a shift to an exclusively principle-based approach to moral reason. This shift threatens to undermine the very tradition that the bishops seek to protect.
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    The Synod on Synodality in Light of Pope Francis's Theology of Mission.Keith Lemna - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (2):509-539.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Synod on Synodality in Light of Pope Francis's Theology of MissionKeith LemnaThe Church's Synod on Synodality is a troubling prospect for many because the concept of "synodality" at its basis seems characterized by protean vagueness. The synod appears to be easy interpretive prey for those who wish to transform Christian life and practice in accordance with the norms of contemporary society and the ethos of modern democracy rather (...)
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    Catholic Social Teaching and Unionism.Charles W. Baird - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (2).
    Catholic Social Teaching on labor unions as promulgated by Pope Leo XIII and several of his successors is contrary to the form of unionism imposed on American workers and employers by the National Labor Relations Act. Since many of the coercive aspects of the NLRA are replicated in laws adopted in several to papal condemnation. The 1986 pastoral letter of the American Conference of Catholic Bishops promulgates views on unionism that are inconsistent with papal teaching. Frederic Bastiat, (...)
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  50. The Persistence of Myth as Symbolic Form : Proceedings of an International Conference Held by the Centre for Intercultural Studies at the University of Glasgow, 16-18 September 2005/.P. Bishop (ed.) - 2008
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